Friday, August 21, 2020

redhead wearing summer dress with cherries

Sadje na oblačilih kliče po poletju in prav zato sem vsakič znova navdušena, ko ujamem kos, ki je tako zabaven kot ta oblekica s češnjami. Če pepita vzorec pripisujem zimi, limone, češnje in jagode, pa nedvomno pripadajo poletju. Asos oblekica, ki jo imam na sebi je nedvomno kos, ki je idealen za vroče dni, zraven pa moj večni cekar, ki ga imam že tri leta in je nepogrešljiv kos moje omare brez katerega si ne predstavljam poletja. S tem se poslavljam od poletja in pozdravljam jesen.

Fruity prints on clothes is like a uniform for summer and that’s why I’m excited every time I catch a piece that’s as fun as this cherry dress. If the pepita print belongs to winter, lemons, cherries and strawberries undoubtedly belong to summer. This Asos dress that I am wearing is perfect for hot summer days, along with my straw bag that I have for three years now and is a must have summer piece in my wardrobe. 

redhead wearing summer dress with cherries

redhead wearing summer dress with cherries

Obleka s češnjami Gili tukaj, všeč mi je tudi ta midi obleka, ta z kratkimi rokavi | Sandali H&M tukaj | Cekar ročno izdelan in kupljen na Ljubljanski tržnici, podoben tukaj | Sončna očala Primark, podobna tukaj

Cherry dress Gili here, also love this midi one, and this one with short sleeves  | Slides H&M here | Handmade straw bag bought on the market in Ljubljana, similar here | Sunglasses Primark, similar here

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