About me

Welcome to my blog Dainté. My name is Špela Šešerko and you just came across my diary in which I write about eveything I love, feel inspired by, makes me happy or simply makes my heart beat faster. If you ask yourself why cupcakes tastes better than carrots, which lipstick is made for wild kissing, why to start a day with meditation and what to wear when you have nothing to wear, then this page is made for you.

Please feel free to email me anytime at [email protected], follow me on Instagram (@DainteShop) or Facebook (Dainte Shop). Thank you so much for reading.


Dobrošel/la na blogu Dainté. Moje ime je Špela Šešerko in v svojem spletnem dnevniku pišem o vsem kar me veseli, osrečuje, inspirira ali pa preprosto pospeši bitje mojega srca. Stran je namenjena vsem, ki se sprašujejo zakaj so tortice boljše od korenja, katera šminka je primerna za poljubljanje, zakaj začenjati dan z meditacijo in kaj obleči, ko v omari ni več ničesar.

Ker obožujem svoje bralce/ke te vabim, da mi pošlješ svoja vprašanja ali komentarje na [email protected], postaneš del mojega vsakdana na Instagramu (@DainteShop) in me spremljaš na Facebooku (Dainte Shop). Zahvaljujem se ti za branje.


  1. such a nice introduction of yourself:) loved to read it <33
    NY is my favourite city too!


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
